Mentoring Gifted Kids

Unique stimulating challenges for advanced thinkers

In-school Extra-curricula Program

"I would really like to thank you for everything you and your program has done for C. over the last 5 years and I am hoping that his younger sisters who will be starting school next year and in 2019 will be able to join in on your program as well." L.K.

"L. wanted to thank you for your help this year. She has really enjoyed it, so much so that she can't pick her favourite topic – it's been the highlight of her school year." Family F.

Gifted and talented

children and young people

have particular learning


Gifted and talented children and young

people often differ from their age-peers

not only in terms of their abilities, but

in their preferred learning style as well.

They have particular learning needs that require specific strategies and efforts, such as:

•• daily challenge in their specific areas

of ability or interest

•• learning experiences that are

differentiated in terms of pace, depth,

complexity and teaching method

•• opportunities to socialise and learn

with peers of like-ability as well as

work independently on areas

of interest

•• connections to people and

opportunities beyond the early

childhood setting or school that

support their particular passions

and talents while connecting to the

curriculum (Rogers, 2007).

While education for the gifted and

talented requires specific strategies

in terms of curriculum, assessment

and teaching method, it also involves

consideration of social-emotional


Twice exceptional learners

Twice exceptional learners are

gifted children and young people

who also experience a physical or

learning disability. They may be

hearing or vision impaired, have an

autism spectrum disorder or another

condition, such as dyslexia, attention

deficit disorder (ADD) or attention

deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

The giftedness of twice exceptional

learners may be overlooked because

these children and young people may

not be able to express or demonstrate

their gifts in the way others do.

They may require particular kinds of

opportunities for demonstrating their

understanding, such as multimodal or

dynamic assessment tasks (Munro,

2010). Twice exceptional learners may

also require additional support to

meet their particular learning, social

or emotional needs as well as develop

their particular areas of ability.

Aiming High, p.10

Some researchers suggest that gifted

children and young people are more

likely to be perfectionists and to

be sensitive and preoccupied with

moral issues, and so they may require

particular support in terms of socialemotional

development (Sisk, 2009).

When high-ability children and young

people are in educational settings where

their abilities are not recognised and

supported, they typically experience

boredom, frustration and decreased

motivation (Neihart et al., 2002). In

some cases, more severe forms of

psychological distress can result.

The Inquiry (2012) identified that some

learners suffer from a sense of isolation,

low self-esteem, anxiety and depression

when their ability is not identified, they

are insufficiently challenged or they feel

‘out of sync’ with their peers. They may

disengage from learning or deliberately

under-achieve in order to fit in with their

peers. Some gifted learners may become

disruptive in the classroom or exit early

from schooling.

Gifted and talented children and

young people have particular learning

requirements. Responding to these

requirements is not an optional extra – it

is a key responsibility of early childhood

settings, schools and the Department.